305IVE and friends: Entry 5 - feeling liberated in your own body.

1.A random thought/ discovery about yourself

I enjoy controversy and dark politics. I think we focus so much on appearing perfect, being good but beneath that lies a darkness that is somewhat normal and intriguing. 

2.Your favourite Self Care thing to do…

Cleaning really helps me clear my thoughts and realign my energy. I also enjoy doing nothing as an act of self care.

3.What does self love mean to you?

Self love to me means accepting who I am at all times. Even in moments where I don't like how i've handled or shown up. Validating myself and my emotions and finding ways to make peace with old versions/no longer serving versions of myself.

4.What is one thing you are not putting up with anymore ?

Lack of courtesy - It's the bare minimum. Ultimately we feel we owe it to each other to try and be polite and nice. We are all going through things but it's not fair to project on each other even though it's only fair to give each other grace some days.

5.What your favourite 305IVE statement knicker and why?

I got a thong with a reflective strip. I like the "i'm here" seduction energy of the thong.

Ask For Consent but then My Body My Business

Ask For Consent because consent is f-cking sexy. We come from some what of a culture that doesn't really put enough of a focus on consent and understanding reading body language…you know facilitating comfort for men and women. When i talk about consent i'm not just speaking about women's consent, (even though for the most part that is at the front of the movement in terms of voice wise). Even for guys, consent for men isn't something that is spoken about.

but My Body My Business is me. It's my body and it's my business. Why are you in my body or in my business? it's about being embracive of body positivity, feeling comfortable in your own body. You know feeling liberated in your own body, whether that is extreme liberation or mild libration, covered up or not it's My Body, My Business.

Enjoy 20% Off Anon's favourite statement  - Ask For Consent

Enjoy 20% Off Anon's favourite statement - My Body My Business

*use code Anon20 at checkout for 20% off Anon's favourite statement (My Body My Business and Ask For Consent ), discount ends November 18th.


305IVE and friends is a blog which aims to focus on self love and wellness, through 5 thought provoking questions.

each 305IVE friend can respond with as much detail as they wish whilst remaining anonymous (if they want) or using an alias of their choice.

if you would like to be featured in one of these blogs please let me know by emailing or contacting via Instagram DMs @305IVE_

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